2.000,000 say „Yes!“ to Democracy

Faces of Democracy: 2 million signatories and numerous well-known people are taking a stand in the name of democracy!

For many of us, democratic achievements such as pluralism, diversity and freedom of opinion represent convictions that are written in stone. However, the increasing acceptance of protectionism and partial nationalism is shaking the foundations of our democratic values. It is high time to talk about democracy again. Since the establishment of the Faces of Democracy initiative, more than 2.000,000 people have – true to the motto “Sign for Democracy” – signed the voluntary commitment to protect and strengthen the fundamental values of a democratic civil society.

The privately organized Faces of Democracy initiative gains media attention through many well-known interviewees such as the President of the EU Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, German Federal Minister Heiko Maas, “Germany’s Got Talent” jury member Shirin David, and the President of the German Federal Constitutional Court, Prof. Andreas Voßkuhle. Together with our signatories from around the world, these are the faces of democracy. Show your face as well, say YES! to democracy and join our growing community in Germany, Europe, and around the world.

Yes! to democracy

Would you like to take a stand on the issue of protecting and strengthening democracy, pluralism and freedom of the press? Then show your face now and say Yes! to democracy in Germany, Europe and worldwide. Welcome to the Faces of Democracy.

Vote Yes!

The Faces of Democracy: „Sign for Democracy!“

Four years of “Faces of Democracy”: 100 prominent faces and over 1 million supporters

Since four years the Faces of Democracy initiative take a stand on a better understanding of democracy and an open, pluralistic and tolerant society.




Questions to...





Armin Papperger, Vorsitzender des Vorstands der Rheinmetall AG„Da darf man nicht dünnhäutig sein!“»
Christoph Werner, Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung von dm-drogerie markt„Was wir brauchen, ist bürgerschaftliches Engagement!“»
Elina Valtonen, Außenministerin der Republik Finnland„In manchen Dingen muss die Politik einfach besser werden!“»
S.D. Erbprinz Alois von und zu Liechtenstein„Freihandel ist kein Nullsummenspiel, sondern existenziell!“»
Karl Nehammer, Bundeskanzler der Republik Österreich„Wir müssen daran arbeiten, der Demokratie wieder ein positiveres Bild zu geben!“»
Friedrich Merz, Vorsitzender der CDU Deutschlands„Dafür bin ich diesem Land unendlich dankbar!“»
Mathias Cormann, OECD Secretary-General“We need to make globalisation work better for people!”»
Dirk Ippen, Verleger„Wir müssen weiter mutig unsere Meinung schreiben!“»
Boris Pistorius, Bundesminister der Verteidigung„Wir müssen für die Demokratie kämpfen!“»
S.K.H. Großherzog Henri von Luxemburg„Wir sollten uns immer bewusst sein, welch Privileg es ist, in einer Demokratie zu leben!“»